Judith, 13

New Jerusalem Bible

8 Twice she struck at his neck with all her might, and cut off his head.

Versículos relacionados com Judith, 13:

Judite 13 tells the story of how Judite, a pious and courageous widow, saved his city Betulia from destruction, murdering Assyrian Holofernes. The topics covered in this chapter include courage, cunning, and faith of Judite, as well as God's revenge on the enemies of his people.

Exodus 15:3: "The Lord is a warrior, His name is the Lord." This verse relates to the theme of Judith's courage, as she faced the Assyrian general, a powerful and feared man, relying on divine help.

Proverbs 21:31: "The horse is prepared for battle day, but victory comes from the Lord." This verse points out that while it is important to be prepared and have the courage to face the challenges, victory is granted by the Lord. Judite knew this and had divine help to defeat Holofernes.

Psalm 44:3: "With your help, we defeat our adversaries; in your name we step those who rise against us." This verse relates to the theme of Judith's cunning, as she used her beauty and intelligence to deceive Holofernes and cut her head.

Psalm 37:28: "For the Lord loves righteousness and does not abandon his faithful; they will be preserved forever, but the descent of the wicked will be eliminated." This verse highlights God's revenge on the enemies of his people, a theme present in Judith 13, when the Israelites kill the Assyrians trying to attack them.

Romans 12:19: "Beloved, never seek to take revenge, but leave with God the wrath, for it is written, 'My is revenge; I will return,' says the Lord." This verse teaches that revenge belongs to God and not to men. Although Judite acted in defense of her people, she also trusted divine justice to punish enemies.
