Judith, 7

New Jerusalem Bible

8 The chieftains of the sons of Esau, all the leaders of the Moabites and the generals of the coastal district then came to him and said,

Versículos relacionados com Judith, 7:

Judite 7 tells the story of how the inhabitants of Betulia were besieged by the Assyrian army led by Holofernes. The Israelites ran out of water and the city's leaders decided to hand over the city to Holofernes if God did not deliver them in five days. Judite, a godly widow, prayed to God for guidance and decided to enter the disguised enemy camp to kill Holofernes and save the city. Below are five verses related to topics covered in Judite 7:

2 Chronicles 32:20: "Then King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah, son of Amoz, prayed for it and cried to heaven." This verse highlights the importance of prayer in times of difficulty, similar to Judite's prayer for guidance and help in Judite 7.

Psalm 20:7: "Some trust cars and others in horses, but we will mention the name of the Lord, our God." This verse emphasizes the importance of trusting God rather than human skills or resources, similar to the confidence of Betulia's leaders in God to save them in Judite 7.

1 Samuel 17:49-50: This excerpt describes how David killed Goliath with a stone, illustrating how God can use a seemingly weak individual to defeat a powerful enemy. This event is similar to the way Judite, a godly widow, entered the disguised enemy camp and killed Holofernes in Judite 7.

Judges 4:4-9: This excerpt describes how Prophetess Deborah encouraged Barak to lead the Israeli army against the Canaanite army. This event is similar to the role of leadership that Judite took over in Judite 7, encouraging Betulia leaders to trust God and prepare for battle.

Isaiah 54:17: "No weapon forged against you will prosper; and every language to rise against you in judgment, you thou shalt be condemned; this is the inheritance of the servants of the Lord and his righteousness from me, says the Lord." This verse emphasizes God's protection over those who follow and trust Him, similar to God's protection over the inhabitants of Betulia in Judite 7.
