Esther, 12

Revised Standard Version

2 He overheard their conversation and inquired into their purposes, and learned that they were preparing to lay hands upon Artaxerxes the king; and he informed the king concerning them.

Versículos relacionados com Esther, 12:

1 Chronicles 29:28: "He died in good old age, full of days, of wealth and honor; and his son Solomon reigned in his place." This verse reports the death of King David, which happened after a long and successful life. In Esther 6, we see the story of how King Ahasuero recognized the services provided by Mordecai and decided to honor him, showing how honor and reward are important biblical themes.

Psalm 37:7: "Rest in the Lord, and wait for him; do not indignant to him because of the one who thrives in his way, because of the man who performs atatutes attives." This verse encourages rest and patience in God, even in the face of adversities and the apparent prosperity of the wicked. In Esther 6, we see as Mordecai, despite being wronged by Haman, trusted God and was eventually rewarded by the king.

Proverbs 16:18: "Superb precedes ruin, and the haughtiness of the Spirit precedes the fall." This verse warns of the danger of arrogance and exaggerated self -confidence, which can lead to fall and destruction. In Esther 6, we see as Haman, for his pride and his aversion to Mordecai, was eventually humiliated and defeated before all.

Genesis 41:41-44: "And Pharaoh said to Joseph, See, I put you over all the land of Egypt. And he took his ring out of his hand, and put him on Joseph's hand, and dressed in thin clothes He put on a gold necklace on his neck. And he made him climb on his second car, and cried before him: kneeling; and put it over the whole land of Egypt. " This passage tells how Joseph, after interpreting Pharaoh's dreams, was elevated to a position of great authority and honor in Egypt. In Esther 6, we see how Mordecai was also honored and exalted by King Ahasuero, showing how God can use the circumstances to bless his faithful servants.
