Zechariah, 5

Revised Standard Version

9 Then I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, two women coming forward! The wind was in their wings; they had wings like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the ephah between earth and heaven.

Versículos relacionados com Zechariah, 5:

Zechariah 5 describes two views that show the removal of sin and iniquity from the middle of God's people. The first vision presents a roll flying through the air, representing God's judgment on sin. The second vision presents a woman within a basket, which is taken by the angels to Babylon, representing the removal of evil from the middle of God's people. Below are five verses related to these themes:

Isaiah 33:24: "And no resident will say, I am sick! The people who dwell in it have been forgiven of their iniquity." This verse talks about the forgiveness of iniquities, which is a central theme in Zechariah 5.

Psalm 103:12: "How far from us is the East of the West, so it removes our transgressions from us." This verse talks about the removal of sins, which is an image that appears in the first vision of Zechariah 5.

Isaiah 1:18: "Come then, and argue me, says the Lord, Though your sins are like the scarlet, they will become white like snow; even if they are red as the Carmesim, they will become as the white wool. " This verse talks about the removal of sins through forgiveness and purification.

1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all injustice." This verse talks about the confession of sins and the purification that comes through the forgiveness of God.

Isaiah 44:22: "I give up as the mist your transgressions, and how the cloud sins your sins; become to myself, because I released you." This verse talks about the forgiveness and removal of God sins, which is an important theme in Zechariah 5.
