2 Chronicles, 24

The New American Bible

1 Joash was seven years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem. His mother, named Zibiah, was from Beer-sheba.

Versículos relacionados com 2 Chronicles, 24:

2 Chronicles 24 describes the reign of Joás, a king who did what was right in the eyes of the Lord while the Joiada priest was alive, but who walked away from God after the death of the priest and eventually murdered his son. The chapter also reports the reconstruction of the temple and the collection of people's money to finance the reforms. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in 2 chronicles 24:

2 Kings 12:2: "Joas did what was right in the sight of the Lord every day when the jewelry priest instructed him." This verse shows that Joás was a godly king while jewelry was alive and followed the teachings of the priest.

Nehemiah 10:33: "We also commit to bringing every year to the temple of the Lord the firstfruits of our harvests and the first fruits of the trees." This verse shows that the reconstruction of the temple and the collection of funds for this work were important to God's people.

Deuteronomy 15:7: "If there is a poor one of you, one of your brothers within any of your cities, on the earth that the Lord, your God, is giving you, is not insensitive or close your hands for this brother in need . " This verse talks about the importance of social justice and help to the less fortunate, a theme that is important to chapter 24.

2 Chronicles 24:17-18: "After the death of Jehoiada, the leaders of Judah came and bowed before the king. And the king heard them. They abandoned the temple of the Lord, the God of their parents, and worshiped sacred posts and idols. As a result, the wrath of God came upon Judah and Jerusalem. " This verse shows that Joás moved away from God after the death of Joiada and that it led to the fall of Judah.

Proverbs 26:27: "He who digs a pit will fall into it; who rolls a stone will roll back over him." This verse can be applied to Joas, which was eventually murdered by the people themselves that he had deceived and betrayed. He reaped what sown.
