Acts, 5

Catholic Public Domain Version

2 and he was deceitful about the price of the field, with his wife’s consent. And bringing only part of it, he placed it at the feet of the Apostles.

Versículos relacionados com Acts, 5:

Acts of Apostles 5 presents the history of Ananias and Sapphire, who sold a property and brought only a part of the money to the apostles, lying on the total amount. Pedro confronts Ananias, who dies immediately, and also Sapphira, who also dies after lying to Peter. The chapter also describes many miracles and healings performed by the apostles.

Psalm 5:6: "Thou shalt destroy those who speak lies; the Lord shall abhor the bloodthirsty and fraudulent man." This verse shows the importance of honesty and how God is against lies, as is demonstrated in the history of Ananias and Sapphire.

Proverbs 12:22: "The liars are abominable to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight." Again, the importance of honesty is emphasized in this verse, and the tragic destiny of Ananias and Sapphire demonstrates the consequence of dishonesty.

Matthew 5:37: "But be your speak, yes, yes, no, no; for what goes on from there comes from the evil one." This verse emphasizes the importance of telling the truth and not getting involved in mistakes, just as Ananias and Sapphira tried to do.

Colossians 3:9: "Do not lie to each other, since you have desperate from the old man with his deeds," this verse speaks of the need to get rid of old nature and sin, which includes lies.

John 8:44: "You have the devil by Father and want to satisfy the desires of your Father. He was murdered from the beginning and has not established himself in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he utters a lie, he speaks of what he is own, because he is a liar and the father of lies. " This verse shows the relationship between lies and Satan, which is called the father of lies. The story of Ananias and Sapphire is an example of this lie and its tragic consequence.
