Psalms, 15

Catholic Public Domain Version

10 For you will not abandon my soul to Hell, nor will you allow your holy one to see corruption.

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 15:

Psalm 15 is a Psalm of David who talks about the qualities of those who dwell in the sanctuary of God. It is an invitation to live a righteous and righteous life, following God's commandments. The verses related to the topics covered in Psalm 15 are:

Psalm 24:3-4: "Who will rise to the Mount of the Lord? Who shall remain in his holy place? What is cleaned with hands and pure of heart that does not give his soul into falsehood, nor swear with deceit." This verse talks about purity of heart and honesty, qualities that are important to dwell in the sanctuary of God.

Proverbs 11:3: "The integrity of the straight guides them, but the falsehood of the infidels destroys them." This verse highlights the importance of integrity and righteousness in our lives. Those who follow these principles are guided by them, while those who do not follow them are destroyed by falsehood.

Isaiah 33:15-16: "What is in justice and speaks with righteousness, who rejects the gain of oppression, who shakes his hands so as not to receive bribes, who slaps his ears so as not to hear about bloodshed and closes his eyes In order not to see evil, it will dwell in the heights; rocky fortresses will be your safety, your refuge will be a safe place. " This verse talks about justice and righteousness, and the need to reject oppression and violence. Those who follow these principles will find security and refuge in God.

Matthew 5:8: "Blessed are the clean from the heart, because it will see God." This verse highlights the importance of purity of heart, one of the qualities mentioned in Psalm 15. Those who are pure of heart are blessed, for it will see God.

2 Timothy 2:19: "However, God's firm foundation remains unshakable and sealed with this inscription: The Lord knows his own." This verse talks about the importance of remaining firm in God's principles and being known to him. Those who dwell in the sanctuary of God are those who remain firm in principles and are known to him.
