Song of Solomon, 2

Catholic Public Domain Version

17 Chorus to Groom and Bride: Capture for us the little foxes, which are tearing down the vines; for our vineyard has flourished.

Versículos relacionados com Song of Solomon, 2:

Chapter 2 of Songs is an expression of poetic love between the beloved and the beloved. The beauty and sweetness of love between the two and their desire to be together is described. Following are five Bible verses related to the topics addressed in songs 2:

Proverbs 5:18-19: "Your spring be blessed, and rejoice with the woman of your youth. As a loving cervo, and graceful Gazella, your breasts sat down all the time; and for your love you are attracted to perpetually. " This verse talks about the importance of love and joy that must be found in marital intimacy, as it is expressed in the love between the beloved and the beloved in songs 2.

Ephesians 5:25-28: "Husbands, love your wife, as Christ also loved the Church, and He gave Himself to her, to sanctify her, purifying her with the washing of the water, by the Word, to present her to himself glorious church, without macula, no wrinkle, no similar, but holy and blameless. Thus the husbands must love his own wife, as to his own body. He who loves his wife loves himself. " This verse talks about the love that must exist between a husband and a wife, a love that is compared to the love of Christ for the church.

1 Corinthians 7:3-4: "The husband pay the wife to proper benevolence, and in the same luck to her husband. The wife has no power over her own body, but has her husband; and also the same way also The husband has no power over his own body, but he has the wife. " This verse addresses the idea that love between a man and a woman must be expressed through sexual intimacy and that each other's body belongs to the other.

Proverbs 30:18-19: "There are three things that marvel at me, and the fourth I do not understand: The Eagle's Way in the Air, the Way of Snake in Penha, the Way of the Ship in the middle of the sea and the way of man with a maiden. " This verse expresses admiration for love and unity between a man and a woman, who is a wonderful mystery.

1 John 4:18: "In love there is no fear before perfect love throws out fear; for fear involves punishment; and who is afraid is not perfected in love." This verse talks about the importance of love in all relationships and how true love must be free of fear and insecurity. The love between the beloved and the beloved in songs 2 is characterized by a deep confidence and security.
