Wisdom of Solomon, 19

Christian Community Bible

7 The cloud covered the camp with its shadow, dry land emerged where water had been. A safe passage was opened through the Red Sea, the tempestuous flood became a green plain

Versículos relacionados com Wisdom of Solomon, 19:

Chapter 19 of the Book of Wisdom talks about the liberation of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt and the consequences of this event in the lives of the people. It talks about the divine protection and the punishment of those who opposed God and their chosen ones. Following are five verses related to the topics covered in this chapter:

Exodus 13:21: "And the LORD went before them, day in a cloud column to guide them along the way, and at night in a column of fire to illuminate them, to walk day and night." This verse talks about the divine protection of the Hebrews during their escape from Egypt, which is mentioned in chapter 19 of wisdom.

Psalm 78:13: "He divided the sea and made them pass; it made the waters stop like a heap." This verse talks about the miracle of the Red Sea division, which allowed the Hebrew to escape the Egyptian army that pursued them, and which is mentioned in chapter 19.

Psalm 105:26-27: "Moses sent, his servant, and Aaron, which he had chosen. They made signs and wonders before them in the land of Cam." This verse talks about God's chosen leaders to lead the Hebrews in the escape of Egypt, and the miracles they performed, also mentioned in chapter 19.

Psalm 78:51: "and injured all the firstborn in Egypt, firstfruits of their strength in the tents of Cam." This verse talks about the divine punishment of the Egyptians by the oppression of the Hebrews, which is mentioned in chapter 19.

Isaiah 63:11: "Then he remembered the days of antiquity, Moses and his people, saying, Where is he who made them go out of the sea with the shepherds of his flock? Where is he who put his own in their midst Holy Spirit?" This verse talks about the liberation of the Hebrews of Egypt and the role of Moses as God's chosen leader, also mentioned in chapter 19.
