1 Chronicles, 28

Douay-Rheims Version

16 He gave also gold for the tables of proposition, according to the diversity of the tables: in like manner also silver for other tables of silver.

Versículos relacionados com 1 Chronicles, 28:

Chapter 28 of 1 Chronicles deals with David's discourse to Israel's leaders, where he prepares to pass the leadership to his son Solomon and instructs the construction of the temple. David reveals that God has chosen Solomon as his successor and urges Israel's leaders to support him and obey God in all things. It also provides specific instructions on design and temple construction.

Psalm 127:1: "If the Lord does not build the house, in vain work those who build it; if the Lord does not keep the city, in vain watches the sentry." This verse highlights the importance of God's dependence on the construction of the house of the Lord, which is the temple.

1 Chronicles 22:19: "Give it, now, order to cut ceders from Lebanon to me; and my servants will be with your servants, and I will give you the salary of your servants, according to all that you say; because you You know that no one has to be able to cut wood like the Sidonians. " This verse shows David's preparation for the construction of the temple, including the obtaining of Líbano wood.

1 Chronicles 28:9: "And you, Solomon, my son, knows the God of your Father, and serves it with a perfect heart and a voluntary soul; for the Lord all the hearts, and penetrates all the designs of the Thoughts; If you seek you, you will find you, but if you leave it, you will reject you forever. " This verse highlights the importance of Solomon to know and serve God in all his heart in building the temple.

1 Chronicles 28:11-12: "Then David gave Solomon, his son, the plant of the temple gantry, and his homes, and his treasures, and his cenacles, and his interior chambers, and the house of the house of propitiatory; and the plant of all that had in mind, by the spirit, of the atrias of the house of the Lord, and of all the chambers around, to the treasures of God's house, and for the treasures of holy things. " This verse shows how David gave specific and detailed instructions to Solomon on the construction of the temple.

1 Chronicles 28:20: "And David said to Solomon, his son, Be strong and brave, and do the work; do not fear, nor be discouraged, because the Lord God, my God, will be with you; It will forsake, until the whole work of the service of the house of the Lord is over. " This verse shows David's exhortation to Solomon to be strong and brave in the construction of the temple, reminding him of God's presence and support.
