1 Chronicles, 11

King James Version

19 And said, My God forbid it me, that I should do this thing: shall I drink the blood of these men that have put their lives in jeopardy? for with [the jeopardy of] their lives they brought it. Therefore he would not drink it. These things did these three mightiest.

Versículos relacionados com 1 Chronicles, 11:

1 Chronicles 11 records King David's rise to the throne of Israel and the establishment of his capital in Jerusalem. The chapter highlights its brave warriors, including its three great heroes: Josheb-Basshebeth, Eleazar and Shammah. They stood out for their combat skills and devotion to David. From this chapter, I chose five verses related to the themes of leadership, courage, loyalty and victory, which can be found in other parts of the Bible.

Joshua 1:9: "Didn't I send you? Be strong and brave, do not fear, not even amazing, for the Lord your God is with you, wherever you walk." Just as David led his people with courage and determination, God also urged Joshua to lead the children of Israel with strength and courage. This passage shows how leadership requires courage and confidence in God.

Proverbs 17:17: "At all times the friend loves and in anguish the brother is made." David and his warriors shared a strong loyalty and commitment to each other. This verse of proverbs highlights the importance of friendship and loyalty, especially in difficult times.

Psalm 20:7: "Some trust cars, others in horses, but we will mention the name of the Lord our God." David and his warriors acknowledged that victory did not depend on their own resources or abilities, but on the grace and power of God. This verse of Psalm 20 highlights the importance of trusting God rather than trusting our own strength.

2 Timothy 2:3: "suffers me as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." This 2 Timothy verse highlights the importance of being a faithful soldier of Christ. Just as David and his warriors fought with courage and devotion to his king, we are also called to fight as good soldiers of Christ.

1 John 5:4: "For all who is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that overcomes the world: our faith." This verse of 1 John points out that true victory is achieved through faith in God. David and his warriors won many battles, but his true victory came from faithfulness and confidence in God.
