2 Kings, 14

New Jerusalem Bible

28 The rest of the history of Jeroboam, his entire career, his prowess, what wars he waged, how he brought Damascus and Hamath back to their allegiance to Judah and Israel, is this not recorded in the Book of the Annals of the Kings of Israel?

Versículos relacionados com 2 Kings, 14:

Chapter 14 of 2 kings deals with the story of Amaziah, king of Judah, and his relationship with Jehores King of Israel. Amaziah begins a war with Jeoás, but is defeated and captured. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in 2 Kings 14.

2 Chronicles 25:14: "When Amaziah returned from the killing of the Edomites, he brought the gods of the children of Seir and put them for their gods before him, and pronounced before them and burned incense." This verse shows the idolatrous character of Amaziah, which led him to seek the gods of the children of Seir instead of trusting God for his protection.

2 Kings 13:25: "Jehu, son of Jehoshaphat, returned and went to Jezreel to recover from the wounds that the Arameans had caused him when he fought Hazael, king of Syria." This verse shows the relationship between Jehu, the predecessor of Jehores, and Hazael, the enemy of Israel who had also fought against Jehu.

2 Kings 13:22: "Hazael, king of Syria, oppressed Israel throughout the reign of Jehoacaz." This verse shows the external pressure that Jehores faced as king of Israel, as he inherited a weak and weakened kingdom by Hazael.

2 Chronicles 25:17-18: "Then Jehores King of Israel went up, and they found themselves face to face, he and Amazias, king of Judah, in Bete-Semes, who belongs to Judah. ​​And Judah was defeated by Israel , and every man fled to his tent. " This verse narrates the battle between Amaziah and Jehores and the defeat of Judah.

2 Chronicles 25:23: "And Joas King of Israel arrested Amaziah, king of Judah, son of Joas, Jehoacaz, in Bete-Semes and led him to Jerusalem, and destroyed a part of the wall of Jerusalem, since Ephraim's door to the corner door, four hundred cubites. " This verse shows Jehores' victory over Amaziah and how he was able to capture him and loot Jerusalem.
