Zechariah, 9

New Jerusalem Bible

11 As for you, because of the blood of your covenant I have released your prisoners from the pit in which there is no water.

Versículos relacionados com Zechariah, 9:

Zechariah 9 talks about the prophecy of the coming of the Messiah and the restoration of Jerusalem. It is a chapter that portrays a future view for the city and to the people of God. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in Zechariah 9:

Isaiah 62:6: "O Jerusalem, pus sentinels over your walls, which will never be silent, of day or night; you must remember the Lord, do not rest," this verse portrays the importance of maintaining the maintenance vigilance and constant prayer in Jerusalem. This relates to the vision of Zechariah 9 of a restored and strengthened Jerusalem.

Psalm 118:26-27: "Blessed what comes in the name of the Lord! Let us bless you from the house of the Lord. The Lord is God, and He enlightens us." These verses are often associated with Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, which is in line with the vision of Zechariah 9 of a king coming to the city.

Jeremiah 30:18: "Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will change the luck of the tents of Jacob, and shall be compassioned on his dwellings; in the past." This verse talks about the restoration of the city of Jerusalem and the housing of the royal palace, which is similar to the vision of Zechariah 9 of a strengthened jerusalem.

Isaiah 9:6: "For a boy was born to us, a son has given us; the government is on his shoulders; and his name will be wonderful counselor, strong God, father of eternity, prince of peace." This verse is often associated with the coming of the Messiah, which is a central theme in Zechariah 9.

Isaiah 52:7: "How beautiful about the hills are the feet of the feet of the good news, which makes peace hear, which announces good things, which makes salvation heard, which says to Zion, Your God reigns!" This verse talks about the preaching of the good news of salvation, which is similar to the central theme of Zechariah 9 - the coming of the Messiah and the restoration of Jerusalem.
