2 Chronicles, 17

Revised Standard Version

13 and he had great stores in the cities of Judah. He had soldiers, mighty men of valor, in Jerusalem.

Versículos relacionados com 2 Chronicles, 17:

Chapter 17 of 2 Chronicles talks about the reign of Jehoshaphat, which walked in the ways of God and strengthened Judah spiritually and militarily. Following are five verses related to the topics addressed in 2 chronicles 17:

2 Chronicles 16:9A: "For as to the Lord, his eyes pass all over the earth, to show himself strong to those whose heart is perfect to him ..." Chapter 17 of 2 chronicles highlights the fidelity of Jehoshaphat in following the ways of God, and this verse highlights the importance of having a perfect heart to God.

Joshua 1:8: "Do not depart from your mouth the book of this Law, but meditate on him day and night, that he may be careful to do according to all that is written in Him; for then thou shalt make thy way prosper, and be successful. " Jehoshaphat has strengthened Judah spiritually, encouraging the people to meditate on God's law and to do according to everything that is written in it. This verse of Joshua emphasizes the importance of meditating on God's Word and obeying his commandments.

Psalm 1:1-3: "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the Council of the wicked, nor does he hold on the way to sinners, nor rest on the wheel of scoffers. Before he has his pleasure in the law of the Lord, and in his Law meditates day and night. For it will be like the tree planted by the water streams, which bears its fruit in its own season, and whose leaves do not fall; and everything that will prosper. " This psalm highlights the importance of not following the advice of the wicked and meditating on the law of the Lord day and night, so that everything that is done is successful. This relates to the reign of Jehoshaphat, which strengthened Judah spiritually through the law of God.

2 Chronicles 20:12b: "For in us there is no strength before this great crowd that comes against us, and we do not know what we will do; but our eyes are put to you." This verse refers to a Jehoshaphat prayer when Judah was threatened by a large multitude of enemies. He acknowledged that he had no strength to fight alone, but put his trust in God. This shows the confidence that Jehoshaphat had in God, which strengthened Judah not only spiritually but also militarily.

Psalm 121:2: "My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth." This psalm highlights confidence in the Lord as a source of help and protection. Jehoshaphat also entrusted in God as his source of help and strengthening, showing that his confidence was not only in his own skills or in the army of Judah.
