Ecclesiasticus, 5

Revised Standard Version

21 For there is a shame which brings sin, and there is a shame which is glory and favor.

Versículos relacionados com Ecclesiasticus, 5:

Ecclesiastical 5 talks about the importance of fulfilling the promises made to God, avoiding making hasty votes and having caution about the rich and powerful. The selected verses are:

Psalm 50:14-15: "Offer God sacrifice of thanksgiving and fulfill your votes to the Most High; invoke me on the day of anguish; I will deliver you, and you will glorify me." This verse emphasizes the importance of fulfilling the vows made to God, as addressed in chapter 5 of ecclesiastical.

Ecclesiastes 5:4-5: "When you make any vote, you are not being fulfilled; because you are not pleased with fools; what you vote, pays it. Better is not voting than votes and not paved." This verse reinforces the idea that it is better not to make hasty votes, but if done, it is important to fully fulfill them.

Psalm 62:10: "You do not trust oppression, nor deceive you with theft; if your riches increase, do not put the heart in them." This verse highlights the importance of having caution about the rich and powerful, as mentioned in chapter 5 of ecclesiastical.

Proverbs 20:25: "Laço is for man to make a promise hastily and only then think about what he promised." This verse warns against making hasty votes, reminding us that it is better to think before promising something.

Proverbs 22:16: "He who oppresses the poor to magnify himself and what gives the rich man will surely impoverish." This verse emphasizes that those who take advantage of the poor for their own benefit eventually suffer consequences. This teaching relates to the idea of ​​caution about the rich and powerful, as mentioned in Ecclesiastical Chapter 5.
