Genesis, 9

Revised Standard Version

12 And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations:

Versículos relacionados com Genesis, 9:

Chapter 9 of Genesis describes God's covenant with Noah and his children after the flood, including the prohibition of murder and the rainbow establishment as a sign of the pact. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in this chapter:

Genesis 9:5-6: "I will certainly ask for your blood accounts. I will ask all the animals and every human being; I will ask the life of man's life from his fellow man. Whoever spills the blood of man by man by man His blood will be shed; for in the image of God was the created man. " This verse establishes the prohibition of murder and the importance of human life as a reflection of the image of God.

Genesis 9:11-13: "I establish my covenant with you: all creatures will never be killed by the flood, nor will there be another flood to destroy the earth. And God said: This is the sign of the covenant I am establishing between me And you and all living beings who are with you, for all future generations. " This verse presents God's covenant with Noah and his children after the flood, including the rainbow sign.

Genesis 9:7: "And you, be fertile and multiply; spread themselves through the earth and proliferate in it." This verse reiterates the importance of the multiplication and propagation of humanity after the flood.

Genesis 9:20-21: "Noah, who was a farmer, was the first to plant a vineyard. He drank the wine, drunk and was naked inside his tent." This verse describes Noah's drunkenness after the flood and the consequences it had in his family.

Genesis 9:25-27: "Said then, 'Damn be Canaan! Slave of slaves will be to your brothers." And added, "Blessed be the Lord, the God of without! from Japhel; he dwells in the tents of Sem, and Canaan be his slave. '" This verse describes Noah's curse and blessing to their children, who had significant consequences in the later history of humanity.
