Isaiah, 61

Revised Standard Version

3 to grant to those who mourn in Zion -- to give them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he may be glorified.

Versículos relacionados com Isaiah, 61:

Isaiah 61 is a chapter of great theological importance, as it presents the mission of the Messiah. In this chapter, the prophet announces the good news of salvation and liberation to God's people through the work of the Messiah. It brings the message that the Messiah will heal the broken hearts, free the captives, proclaim freedom to prisoners, and comfort those who cry. Below are five verses related to the topics addressed in Isaiah 61:

Luke 4:18-19: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He sent me to proclaim freedom to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to free the oppressed and proclaim the year of the grace of the Lord ". Jesus quoted this verse by announcing his mission in the synagogue in Nazareth, making it clear that he was the promised Messiah who came to fulfill the Scriptures.

Matthew 11:28-30: "Come to me, all who are tired and overwhelmed, and I will give them rest. Take upon you my yoke and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for rest your souls. For my yoke is soft and my burden is light. " Jesus invites all the tired and overloaded people to go to him to find relief, thus fulfilling the promise made in Isaiah 61:1-2.

John 8:36: "Thus, if the Son sets them free, you will indeed be free." Jesus stated that those who believe in him are truly free, fulfilling the promise of Isaiah 61:1-2 to proclaim freedom to captives and prisoners.

2 Corinthians 5:17: "So if anyone is in Christ, it is new creation. Ancient things have passed; behold, new things have come!" Those who put their faith in Jesus are transformed, receiving a new life in Christ. This relates to the promise of Isaiah 61:3 to comfort those who cry and give them a beauty crown instead of ashes.

Revelation 21:4: "He shall wipe away from his eyes every tear. There will be no more death, no sadness, no cry, no pain, for the ancient order has passed." This verse describes God's promise that one day there will be no more suffering, death or sadness. This relates to the promise of Isaiah 61:1-2 to bring comfort and joy to those who cry and are in mourning.
