Judges, 19

The New American Bible

23 The owner of the house went out to them and said, "No, my brothers; do not be so wicked. Since this man is my guest, do not commit this crime.

Versículos relacionados com Judges, 19:

Judges chapter 19 tells the shocking story of a Levite who, traveling with his concubine, decides to spend the night in the city of Gibéia, Benjamin. There they are hosted by an old man, but the city is surrounded by wicked men who require Levite to be delivered so that they can abuse him sexually. Instead, the old man offers his own daughter and Levite's concubine to men, who end up violating and killing the concubine. The Levite then cuts her body into pieces and sends the pieces to all the tribes of Israel, causing a war against the Benjamin tribe.

Deuteronomy 22:25-27: "But if a man finds a girl designed in the countryside, and the man to force, and lie down with her, then only the man who lay with her will die. But the girl will do nothing; There is no sin worthy of death; for, as when someone gets up against his neighbor, and takes his life, this is this case. For he found it in the field; the deposited girl shouted, but there was no one to deliver her. " This verse highlights the importance of protecting women's dignity and integrity and condemns sexual violence.

Proverbs 16:29: "The violent man persuad his companion, and guide him on the way not good." This verse condemns the violence and negative influence that violent men can have on others.

Isaiah 1:15-17: "And when you extend your hands, I will hide from you my eyes; yes, when the prayer multiply, I will not hear; for your hands are full of blood. Take from my eyes the wickedness of your acts; cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, end up with oppression; do justice to the orphan, defend the cause of the widow. " This verse condemns injustice and violence and calls people to repent and seek justice.

Psalm 82:3-4: "Do justice to the poor and the orphan; justify the afflicted and the needy. Deliver the poor and needy; take them out of the hands of the wicked." This verse calls people to defend the needy and do justice, especially in the face of oppression and violence.

Amos 5:15: "Hate evil and love good, and establish righteousness at the door; perhaps the Lord God of hosts compasses Himself from the remnant of Joseph." This verse emphasizes the importance of hating evil and loving good, and the need to establish justice in all areas of life.
