John, 13

New Jerusalem Bible

20 In all truth I tell you, whoever welcomes the one I send, welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me, welcomes the one who sent me.'

Versículos relacionados com John, 13:

St. John 13 describes Jesus' last supper with his disciples, where he washing their feet and shares his last words of teachings before crucifixion. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in the chapter:

Philippians 2:3-4: "Do nothing by selfish ambition or vanity, but humbly consider others superior to themselves. Each one takes care, not only of their interests, but also of the interests of others." This verse emphasizes the importance of humility and care for others, showing the example of Jesus in washing the feet of his disciples.

John 15:12-13: "My commandment is this: they love each other as I loved them. No one has greater love than the one who gives his life for his friends." These verses reinforce Jesus' teaching about the love of neighbor, which is exemplified in their actions during the last supper.

Colossians 3:13: "Shop each other and forgive the complaints they have against each other. Forgive as the Lord forgave them." Jesus' act of washing the feet of his disciples shows his love and willingness to serve, and this verse highlights the importance of forgiving and loving others in our daily actions.

Matthew 20:26-28: "But among you, it will not be so. On the contrary, anyone who wants to become important among you should be a servant, and anyone who wants to be the first should be a slave; as the son of man, who does not It came to be served, but to serve and give your life in rescue by many. " These verses show the example of Jesus to serve and take care of others, and how we should imitate their example in our own lives.

John 14:15: "If you love me, you will obey my commandments." During the last supper, Jesus emphasized the importance of obeying his teachings and commandments, as an expression of love and devotion to him.
