Lamentations, 3

New Jerusalem Bible

43 You have enveloped us in anger, pursuing us, slaughtering without pity.

Versículos relacionados com Lamentations, 3:

Lamentations 3 is a chapter in which the author expresses his lament and sadness in the face of the afflictions he is facing. He feels downcast, suffers and cries out for help and mercy. Below are five verses related to the themes of the chapter:

Psalm 22:1 - "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" This verse is an expression of anguish similar to that of the author of lamentations 3, who feels abandoned and alone in his pain.

Psalm 42:5 - "Why are you slaughtered, O my soul, and why are you disturbed in me? Wait in God, for I will still praise you for the salvation of your face." The psalmist here is encouraging his soul to trust God and wait for his help, which is a message similar to that of the author of lamentation 3.

Isaiah 49:15 - "Can a woman forget so much of her son who creates, that he does not sympathize with him, the son of his womb? But even if he forgot him, but I will not forget you." This verse is a reminder of God's unconditional love for his people, even in the midst of difficulties.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 - "In everything we are troubled, but not distressed; perplexed but not discouraged; persecuted but not helpless; slaughtered but not destroyed." The apostle Paul here talks about the nature of the difficulties we face, but emphasizes that we can persevere in God, as well as the author of lamentations 3.

Romans 8:38-39 - "For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, no principles, nor things, nor future, nor powered by height, no depth, nor any other creature It can separate us from the love of God, who is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " This verse is a promise that God's love is unshakable and that we can trust his faithfulness, even when we face the greatest difficulties.
