Leviticus, 21

New Jerusalem Bible

20 a hunchback, someone with rickets or ophthalmia or the scab or running sores, or a eunuch.

Versículos relacionados com Leviticus, 21:

Chapter 21 of the Book of Leviticus deals with the laws and demands for priests in relation to their purity and holiness, so that they can approach God and serve in the temple. The selected verses are as follows:

Numbers 16:5: "And spoke the Corá and all his group, saying, Tomorrow morning, the Lord will make know who is yours, and who is the saint, and who will come to Him; and whom he chooses, He will make it come to him. " This verse shows that God chooses those who are holy and worthy of approaching Him, and that He will make this choice clear.

Deuteronomy 23:1: "He will not enter the Congregation of the Lord who has the injured or mutilated testicles, or the cut member cut." This verse highlights the importance of physical integrity for the priest, which must be complete and without defect to approach God.

Isaiah 52:11: "Depart, apart, I left, you do not touch a filthy thing; I came out of it, purify you, you who take the vessels of the Lord." This verse emphasizes the importance of purity for those who carry the vessels of the Lord, that is, those who serve in your temple.

Ephesians 5:27: "That you may introduce it to yourself glorious church, without macula, nor wrinkle, nor anything similar, but holy and blameless." This verse describes the ideal of holiness to the church, which must be without spot or defect, and emphasizes the importance of purity to approach God.

Hebrews 7:26: "For such a high priest, holy, innocent, immaculate, separated from sinners, and made higher than the heavens." This verse describes Jesus as the Perfect High Priest, which is holy, innocent, and immaculate, and is separated from sinners to approach God in our favor. It exemplifies the importance of purity and holiness for sacred service.
