Daniel, 12

Christian Community Bible

7 And I heard the answer of the man in linen who was upstream. He raised his hands to heaven and swore by the One who lives eternally: "Everything will be fulfilled within a time, two times and a half a time. When the holy people is completely crushed and without any strength, then these things will be fulfilled."

Versículos relacionados com Daniel, 12:

Chapter 12 of the book of Daniel talks about the time of the end and the resurrection of the dead, as well as the conclusion of the prophetic visions that were revealed to the prophet. He also emphasizes the importance of persevering in faith, even in the face of difficulties and persecution. Following are five verses related to the topics covered in Daniel 12:

2 Peter 3:9: "The Lord does not slow down his promise, even though some have it late; but he is long in with you, not wanting some to lose themselves, but all will repent." This verse highlights God's patience and love towards their children, even in the face of circumstances that seem to indicate a delay in their promises. 1 Corinthians 15:52: "At a moment, in an open and close eye, before the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be resurrected incorruptible, and we will be transformed." This passage talks about the resurrection of the dead, one of the central themes of Chapter 12 of Daniel. Hebrews 10:36: "For you need patience, that after you have done God's will, you may achieve promise." This verse emphasizes the importance of perseverance and patience in waiting for God's promises. James 1:2-4: "My brothers, tends great joy when you fall into various temptations, knowing that proof of your faith produces patience. But patience to your perfect work, so that you may be perfect and complete, without without missing anything. " This passage highlights the value of perseverance and patience in the face of tests and trials, as a way to improve our faith. Revelation 22:7: "Behold, I come without delay. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book." This verse reinforces the idea of ​​the importance of persevering in faith and remaining faithful to God's prophetic words, which were revealed in visions such as Daniel's.
