Joshua, 20

Christian Community Bible

9 These were the towns set aside for all the Israelites and for any foreigner living among them, where anyone who had killed a person accidentally could find safety from the dead person's relative looking for revenge, until he had been given a public trial.

Versículos relacionados com Joshua, 20:

Joshua chapter 20 deals with the institution of the cities of refuge in Israel, places where a person who had killed someone without intention could take refuge and have protection against the victim's family revenge. These cities should be strategically located so that they could easily be achieved by anyone looking for protection. Following are five verses related to the theme of the selected chapters of other books of the Bible:

Deuteronomy 4:41-42: "Then Moses separated three cities east of the Jordan River, where he could escape those who killed someone without intention. Whoever killed someone without intention and fled to one of these cities would live." This verse talks about choosing the cities of refuge for Moses before his death, as a measure of justice and protection for those who killed unintentionally.

Numbers 35:6: "The six cities you give will be cities of refuge, where you can escape those who kill someone without intention." This verse talks about the number of cities of refuge that should be established in Israel and the importance of having them available throughout the territory.

Psalm 46:1: "God is our refuge and our fortress, aid always present in adversity." This verse talks about the protection and refuge God offers in difficult times and can be applied to the cities of refuge in Israel as a symbol of divine protection.

Proverbs 18:10: "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to her and are safe." This verse also talks about the protection and security offered by the name of God and can be applied to the institution of the cities of refuge in Israel.

Isaiah 25:4: "For you have a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their affliction, a shelter against the storm and a shelter against the heat." This verse talks about God as a refuge for those who suffer and can be applied to the institution of the cities of refuge in Israel as a reflection of God's compassion for those who need protection.
