Revelation, 11

Christian Community Bible

8 Their dead bodies will lie in the square of the Great City which the believers figuratively call Sodom or Egypt, where their Lord was crucified.

Versículos relacionados com Revelation, 11:

Chapter 11 of the book of Revelation describes the measurement of the temple of God, the presence of two witnesses who prophesy and perform miracles, the battle against the beast, the resurrection of the witnesses, and the earthquake that destroys the tenth city. Here are five verses from other Bible books that relate to the topics covered in Revelation 11:

Zechariah 4:2-3: "And I asked, What is this? And he said to me, This is the all-golden chandelier, who is before the Lord of all the earth. And two olive trees is with her, one to the right of the vase of olive oil, and another on your left. " This verse speaks of a golden chandelier, which can be related to the measurement of God's temple in Revelation 11.

1 Kings 17:1: "Elijah, the tesbite, of the residents of Gilead, said to Ahab, Lives the Lord God of Israel, before whose face I am, that in these years neither dew nor rain there will be, but according to my word." The two witnesses in Revelation 11 have the power to close the sky so that it does not rain, as Elijah did.

2 Kings 2:11: "And it happened that, going walking and speaking, behold, a car of fire, with horses of fire, separated them from each other; and Elijah climbed to heaven in a whirlwind." Elijah's rise can be compared to the rise of the two witnesses in Revelation 11.

Daniel 7:21-22: "I looked, when this horn made war against the saints, and prevailed against them, until the old man came, and did justice to the Most High saints; and the time came when the saints had the kingdom." This verse speaks of the battle against the saints, which is similar to the battle against the two witnesses in Revelation 11.

Isaiah 26:19: "Your dead will live, along with my dead body will be risen. Awaken and sing, those who habit in dust; for your dew, O God, will be like the dew of herbs, and the earth will cast from itself. The deads." The resurrection of witnesses in Revelation 11 is similar to the resurrection mentioned in this verse.
