Revelation, 14

Christian Community Bible

4 They are those who were not defiled with women but were chaste; these are given to follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They are the first taken from humankind who are already of God and the Lamb.

Versículos relacionados com Revelation, 14:

Revelation 14 presents a view of the Lamb and the 144,000 being seen in Mount Zion. Moreover, the message of the angel flying in the middle of the sky, the fall of Babylon, the judgment of the nations and the final harvest of the earth is described. To find verses related to these themes, we can seek in other parts of the Bible. Below are five selected verses:

Matthew 24:30: "Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the nations of the earth will regret and will summer the Son of man coming upon the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory." This verse relates to the vision of the lamb and the 144,000 in Revelation 14, for both describe the coming of Jesus in great glory to judge the nations.

Isaiah 2:2-3: "In the last days it will happen that the mound of the house of the Lord will be established in the summit of the hills, and will rise upon the hills; and all the nations will compete. And many peoples will come, and will say, We climb to the Mount of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, to teach us their ways, and we walk in their paths. " This verse relates to the view of Mount Zion in Revelation 14, where the 144,000 are seen standing with the lamb.

Jeremiah 51:7: "Babylon was a glass of gold in the hand of the Lord, who drunk to the whole earth; from his vineyards drank the nations; so the nations are crazy." This verse relates to the fall of Babylon in Revelation 14, for both talk about the judgment God will make about this corrupted city.

Matthew 25:31-32: "When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall be based on the throne of his glory; and before him all nations will be gathered; and he shall separate from each other , as the pastor separates the sheep from goats. " This verse relates to the judgment of the nations in Revelation 14, for both describe the separation that God will do between the righteous and the unjust.

Joel 3:13: "Launch the scythe, because the ripe is already mature; come, I descended, because the plane is full, the vats overflow; for their malice is great." This verse relates to the final harvest of the earth in Revelation 14, for both talk about the end of time, when God will collect what was sown on earth.
