Nehemiah, 13

Douay-Rheims Version

26 Did not Solomon king of Israel sin in this kind of thing? and surely among many nations, there was not a king like him, and he was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel: m and yet women of other countries brought even him to sin.

Versículos relacionados com Nehemiah, 13:

Nehemiah 13 narrates the return of Nehemiah to Jerusalem after a time away. He finds many wrong things happening, such as the violation of the Sabbath, the mixture of marriages with neighboring peoples and the negligence in the support of the Levites. Nehemiah takes drastic measures to correct these problems and restore the holiness of God's people. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in this chapter:

Ezra 10:11: "Now, then, make confession to the Lord, God of your parents, and do His will; and separate from the peoples of this land and foreign women." This verse relates to Nehemiah's concern with the mix of marriages between the Israelites and the neighboring peoples. He takes drastic measures to separate God's people from these foreign influences and restore holiness.

Exodus 20:8: "Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it." Nehemiah is outraged to find the people violating the Sabbath and takes steps to restore the observance of the rest day as a sign of the covenant between God and his people.

Deuteronomy 23:21: "When you make any vow to the Lord thy God, you will not be longing to fulfill Him; for the Lord thy God will surely require Him from you, and in you there will be sin." Nehemiah discovers that the Levites were not being sustained according to the law and takes action to restore proper provision for these servants of God.

Malachi 3:8-10: "Will man steal to God? However you steal me, and say, What do we steal to you? In the tithe and offers. Nehemiah confronts the people for non -payment of tithes and takes action to ensure that the proper provision is done for the temple service.

1 Corinthians 5:6: "Is not your boasting good. Don't you know that a little yeast yeast all the pasta?" Nehemiah takes drastic measures to expel those who are living in sin of the community and restore the purity of God's people. This verse highlights the importance of discipline in the Church to preserve the holiness and testimony of God's people.
