Psalms, 33

Douay-Rheims Version

16 The eyes of the Lord are upon the just: and his ears unto their prayers.

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 33:

Psalm 33 is a hymn of praise to God as creator and sustainer of the universe. The psalmist celebrates the greatness of God and his faithfulness, and urges the people to trust in Him instead of trusting earthly things. Next are five verses from other Bible books that relate to the topics addressed in Psalm 33.

Genesis 1:1-2: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. But the earth was shapeless and empty; there was darkness over the face of the abyss, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters." This is the first verse of the Bible and describes the creation of the universe by God. Psalm 33 also celebrates the greatness and power of God as a creator.

Nehemiah 9:6: "Only you are the Lord; You have done heaven, the heaven of heaven, and all your army, the earth and all that there is, the seas and all that there is in them; and you preserve them with all with them life, and the army of heaven worships you. " This verse speaks of God's greatness as the creator and sustainer of the universe, and his faithfulness to preserve life. Psalm 33 also celebrates God's faithfulness in sustaining and preserving everything He has created.

Isaiah 40:28: "You do not know, you do not hear that the eternal God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth, does not get tired, nor if you fatigue? You cannot squad your understanding." This verse speaks of God's infinity and greatness as a creator. Psalm 33 also celebrates the greatness and power of God as a creator.

Jeremiah 17:7-8: "Blessed is the man who trusts the Lord, and whose confidence is the Lord. For he is like the tree planted by the waters, who extends his roots to the Ribeiro, and does not fear when the heat comes when the heat comes , but its leaf turns green; and in the year of sequidência does not stupid, nor fails to bear fruit. " This verse compares the person who trusts God to a well -rooted and resistant tree. Psalm 33 exhorts the people to trust God instead of trusting earthly things.

2 Corinthians 5:7: "For we walk by faith and not for what we see." This verse speaks of the importance of trusting God, even when we cannot clearly see what He is doing. Psalm 33 exhorts the people to trust God instead of trusting earthly things.
