1 Kings, 10

King James Version

23 So king Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth for riches and for wisdom.

Versículos relacionados com 1 Kings, 10:

Chapter 10 of 1 Kings describes the visit of the Sabbath Queen of Solomon, after hearing about his wisdom and wealth. During the visit, Solomon demonstrates his wisdom in response to Queen's questions and shows her his riches and the temple he built. The following Bible verses are related to the topics addressed in 1 Kings 10:

Proverbs 1:7: "The fear of the Lord is the principle of knowledge; but the foolishness despises wisdom and instruction." This verse highlights the importance of fear of God and divine wisdom, which is demonstrated by Solomon on the visit of the Queen of Sabbath.

2 Chronicles 9:1: "Now, the Queen of Sabbath, hearing Solomon's fame, came to Jerusalem to prove him with difficult issues; he brought with him a great entourage, and camels loaded with spices, and very gold, and precious stones . " This verse is a reference to the visit of the Sabbath Queen Solomon, which is the central theme of 1 kings 10.

Psalm 72:10-11: "The kings of Társis and the islands will bring gifts; the kings of Sabbath and Seba will offer gifts. And all kings will be prostrated before him; all nations will serve him." This Psalm prophesies upon the reign of a righteous and powerful king, who is a reference to Solomon and is related to his visit of the Queen of Sabbath.

1 Corinthians 3:12-14: "And if someone on this foundation form a gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, the work of each one will manifest itself; for the day will demonstrate it, because it will be revealed In the fire, and the fire will prove what the work of each one will prove. " This verse highlights the idea that earthly riches, such as those shown by Solomon to the Queen of Sabbath, are not lasting and are not the true treasure.

Matthew 6:19-21: "Do not thin treasures on earth, where trace and rust consume them, and where thieves undermine and steal; but gather treasures in the sky, where neither moth nor the rust consume them, and where the ones Thieves neither pamper nor steal. Because where is your treasure, there will be your heart too. " This verse highlights the idea that true riches are those in heaven and that our focus must be in God, not in material riches.
