2 Chronicles, 13

King James Version

18 Thus the children of Israel were brought under at that time, and the children of Judah prevailed, because they relied upon the LORD God of their fathers.

Versículos relacionados com 2 Chronicles, 13:

2 Chronicles 13 narrates the war between Abias, king of Judah, and Jeroboam king of Israel, who had rebelled against Roban and formed a separated kingdom. During the battle, Abias gives a speech that resembles the people of Judah of the covenant that God made with David and his descendants, and how this covenant gave them the moral advantage over Israel.

Psalm 78:9: "The sons of Ephraim, armed and bringing arcs, turned their backs on the day of battle." This verse talks about the betrayal and desertion of a tribe of Israel during a battle, which could have been similar to the betrayal of Jeroboam by some of his men.

Psalm 78:35: "And they remembered that God was his rock, and the Most High God His Redeemer." This verse recalls the importance of trusting God and remembering his promises during difficult times, such as the battle between Judah and Israel.

Psalm 78:71: "From after the sheep he gave him pastor, and Jacob, his people, Israel, his inheritance." This verse talks about how God chose David, a simple shepherd of sheep, to be the king of Israel and lead his people, remembering the covenant made with David that Abias mentions in his speech.

Isaiah 55:3: "Include the ears, and come to me; I hear, and your soul will live; for I will make a perpetual pact, giving you the firm benefits of David." This verse talks about God's invitation to his people, offering them life and a perpetual covenant, which can be interpreted as a reference to God's covenant with David that Abias mentions.

Psalm 33:16: "There is no king who saves himself with the great army; not even the brave man gets rid of much strength." This verse recalls that victory in a battle depends not only on the size or strength of the army, but also on the will of God and the justice of the cause.
