Numbers, 28

King James Version

18 In the first day [shall be] an holy convocation; ye shall do no manner of servile work [therein]:

Versículos relacionados com Numbers, 28:

Numbers 28 details the daily and weekly offers that should be presented to God by the Israelites. Offers include animal sacrifices, grain offerings and wine offerings. Offers were a way for the Israelites to demonstrate their devotion to God and recognize their dependence on him. Below are four verses related to the topics covered in numbers 28:

Leviticus 23:37-38: "These are the days of meeting of the Lord, when you will call sacred assemblies and will present burnt offering to the Lord, cereal sacrifices and poured wine offerings, each in your designated day. In addition to the Lord's Saturdays. And beyond what you have already given, offer the Lord an offer to fulfill a vote or as a voluntary offer. " This verse refers to the offerings that Israelites should present on sacred days, in addition to the daily and weekly offers mentioned in numbers 28.

Psalm 51:16-17: "For you do not delight in sacrifices, otherwise I would offer them; you did not buy you in burnt offering. . " This verse emphasizes that although the offerings and sacrifices were an important part of worship of God, what mattered most was the heart and disposition of the worshiper.

Hebrews 10:11-14: "Day after day, every priest repeatedly presents the same sacrifices, which can never take away the sins. But when this priest [Jesus] offered a single sacrifice for sins, he sat on the right of God. [ ...] for with a single sacrifice he has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. " This verse refers to the final sacrifice of Jesus, which was offered once and for all and replaced the need for continuous sacrifices.

Ephesians 5:1-2: "Therefore, follow God's example as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself for us as an offering and sacrifice of aroma pleasant to God." This verse points out that the final offer of Jesus was the perfect and acceptable offer to God, symbolized by the pleasant aroma offers mentioned in numbers 28.
