1 Samuel, 2

New Jerusalem Bible

32 Beside the Dwelling, you will see all the benefits that I shall confer on Israel, but no one in your family will ever live to old age.

Versículos relacionados com 1 Samuel, 2:

Chapter 2 of 1 Samuel describes a prayer of gratitude from Ana, Samuel's mother, for the blessing of having a child after years of infertility. She extols the greatness of God, which is the only one who gives life and power to judge and rule the world. Moreover, she highlights the importance of following the ways of the Lord and being humble before him.

Psalm 113:7-8: "He raises from dust the needy and the hill of ashes raises the poor; it makes the princes, with the princes of his people." Just as Ana was raised from her condition of infertility to have a child, God is able to raise those who are in difficult and humble conditions for a position of honor and glory.

Proverbs 15:33: "The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honor goes humility." Ana highlights the importance of humility before God and Proverbs reinforces that the fear of the Lord, that is, reverence and respect for God, is the key to wisdom and humility.

Ecclesiastes 7:14: "On the day of prosperity, he enjoys good, but on the day of adversity he considers; for God has done to him in opposition to him, that man may find nothing to come after him." Ana thanks God for her blessing, but also recognizes that there are difficult times in life and that God is the only one who rules all things, both in prosperity and adversity.

Jeremiah 9:23-24: "Thus says the Lord, Do not glorie the wise in His wisdom, nor the strong in His strength, nor the rich in His riches; Know me, that I am the Lord, that I do benevolence, judgment and justice on earth; for these things I like, say the Lord. " Ana acknowledges that God is the only one who rules the world and that there is nothing to be proud but the knowledge and understanding of God. Jeremiah reinforces this idea, stating that true glory is to know God and his actions on earth.
