2 Chronicles, 1

New Jerusalem Bible

1 Solomon son of David then made himself secure over his kingdom. Yahweh his God was with him, making him more and more powerful.

Versículos relacionados com 2 Chronicles, 1:

2 Chronicles 1 reports Solomon's rise to the throne of Israel and his request for wisdom to God. Solomon offered sacrifices to God in Gibeom and was blessed with wisdom and riches. He also made alliances with other kings and accumulated horses and carriages.

Proverbs 2:6 - "For the Lord grants wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Solomon asked God for wisdom in 2 chronicles 1:10, and this verse shows that wisdom comes from God.

Proverbs 8:10 - "Receive my teaching and not silver; I chose knowledge, not wealth." Solomon has accumulated riches in 2 chronicles 1:14-15, but this verse emphasizes the importance of knowledge above wealth.

1 Kings 10:28-29 - "The horses imported from Egypt cost six hundred silver shekels, and the carquemis and Syria horses, which Solomon bought, cost even more. They were bought through the Reis traders and the governors of the region. . " 2 Chronicles 1:16 mentions that Solomon had many carriages and horses, and this verse shows the cost of these animals.

Psalm 20:7 - "Some trust cars and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord, our God." Solomon had many carriages and horses in 2 Chronicles 1:14-15, but this verse emphasizes the importance of trusting God, not material things.

1 Kings 3:12 - "Therefore, I will grant you wisdom and knowledge, and also give you riches, goods, and honor, like no king before you had and none after you will have." God granted Solomon wisdom and riches in 2 Chronicles 1, and this verse shows that this blessing was promised to him earlier in 1 Kings 3.
