Ecclesiasticus, 27

New Jerusalem Bible

9 Birds consort with their kind, truth comes home to those who practise it.

Versículos relacionados com Ecclesiasticus, 27:

Ecclesiastical 27 is a chapter that addresses various topics related to coexistence in society, such as the importance of honesty, the perception that others have of us, envy and slander. Some verses of the Bible that deal with these subjects are:

Proverbs 11:13: "He who has been chattering reveals secrets, but whoever has the loyal spirit keeps them hidden." This verse talks about the importance of discretion and respect for other people's secrets.

Proverbs 20:19: "He who has been chattering reveals secrets; so do not get involved with those who speak too much." This verse reinforces the idea that it is important to maintain discretion regarding confidential information and warns of the danger of getting involved with people who talk too much.

Proverbs 25:9: "disputes your cause with your neighbor, but don't reveal the secret of others." This verse highlights the importance of resolving conflicts directly and honestly, without exposing the private life of other people.

Proverbs 26:24-25: "With his lips the man who hates disguises, but in his heart shelters falsehood. Although he speaks cordially, he does not believe him, for his heart is full of bad intentions." This verse warns of the danger of false and envious people who can speak well but have bad intentions in their hearts.

Proverbs 27:2: "Let another praise you, not your own mouth; compliments of others, not your own lips." This verse highlights the importance of humility and modesty, and warns of the danger of vanity and arrogance.
