Matthew, 26

New Jerusalem Bible

73 A little later the bystanders came up and said to Peter, 'You are certainly one of them too! Why, your accent gives you away.'

Versículos relacionados com Matthew, 26:

Saint Matthew 26 describes the conspiracy of religious leaders to arrest and condemn Jesus the last supper, the betrayal of Judas, the arrest of Jesus and his judgment before the Sanhedrin. It also reports the denial of Peter and the flagellation of Jesus. Here are five verses related to the topics addressed in São Matthew 26:

Psalm 2:2 - "The kings of the earth rise, and the princes conspire against the Lord and against their anointed." This prophetic verse shows that the conspiracy of religious leaders against Jesus was foreseen in Scripture.

Isaiah 53:3 - He was despised and the most rejected among men; man of pain and who knows what it is to suffer; and as one of whom men hide their face, was despised, and we did not make a case. " This prophetic verse applies to Jesus, who was rejected and mistreated by religious leaders and the people in general.

Psalm 41:9 - "Even my intimate friend, whom I trusted, who ate from my bread, raised his heel against me." This prophetic verse applies to the betrayal of Judas, who was one of the closest disciples of Jesus.

Isaiah 50:6 - "I offered my back to those who hurt me, and my faces to those who ripped my beard; I didn't hide my face from those who broke me and spit me." This prophetic verse applies to the flagellation of Jesus and to his disposal to suffer for the good of humanity.

Psalm 22:18 - "divide my robes, and throw sorts over my tunic." This prophetic verse applies to the scene of the crucifixion of Jesus, when the Roman soldiers divided their clothes together.
