Esther, 7

Revised Standard Version

1 So the king and Haman went in to feast with Queen Esther.

Versículos relacionados com Esther, 7:

Esther 7 tells the culmination of Esther's story when she reveals Haman's conspiracy to kill her people to King Ahasuer and manages to save themselves and the Jews from the Persian of Destruction. The verses related to the topics covered in Esther 7 are:

Proverbs 26:27: "What makes a pit will fall into it; and the stone will return to those who revolve it." This verse talks about how a person's bad deeds can turn against him, which is exactly what happens to Haman when his evil plan is revealed and he is executed in the force he had prepared for Mordeca.

Psalm 7:15-16: "He made a pit and dug it, but fell into the grave he has prepared. His violence will return over his own head, and over his own border will descend his wickedness." This verse also portrays the idea that those who plan evil will eventually suffer the consequences of their actions.

Ecclesiastes 10:8: "What to open a pit will fall into it; and what break the wall, a snake will bite it." This verse has a message similar to the previous two, which is that those who plan evil will eventually suffer the consequences of their actions.

Proverbs 28:18: "What is sincerely is saved, but the wicked in his ways will fall soon." This verse highlights the importance of acting with sincerity and honesty, which is exemplified by Esther in contrast to Haman's wickedness and cunning.

Proverbs 11:5: "The righteousness of sincere will straighten your way, but the perverse for your wickedness will fall." This verse also emphasizes the importance of justice and righteousness, which is what prevails at the end of Esther's history when Haman is defeated and justice is made for the Jewish people.
