Ezekiel, 44

The New American Bible

7 You have admitted foreigners, uncircumcised both in heart and flesh, to my sanctuary to profane it when you offered me food, fat, and blood; thus you have broken my covenant by all your abominations.

Versículos relacionados com Ezekiel, 44:

Ezekiel 44 is a chapter that deals with the restoration of the temple and the service of worship of God. In this chapter, God talks about the importance of having faithful and saints, who fulfill their duties properly and respect their laws. The role of Levites is also mentioned, who help priests in their tasks. Next, five verses related to the topics addressed in Ezekiel 44:

Leviticus 10:10-11: "That you may make the difference between the saint and the profane and the unclean and the clean. And that you may teach the children of Israel all the statutes that the Lord has spoken to them through Moses." This verse talks about the importance of distinguishing between what is holy and what is profane, and teaching God's commandments to the children of Israel.

1 Peter 2:9: "But you are the elected generation, the royal priesthood, the holy nation, the acquired people, that you may announce the virtues of him who called you from darkness to his wonderful light." This verse talks about the role of Christians as priests, who were called to announce the virtues of God and live a holy life.

1 Timothy 4:14: "The gift that is in you is not despised, which was given to you, with the imposition of the hands of the presbytery." This verse talks about the importance of recognizing and using the spiritual gifts God has given us to serve His people and fulfill His will.

2 Chronicles 29:34: "But the priests were few, and they could not exfollate all the burnt offering; so their brothers, the Levites, helped them, until the work is over, and until other priests sanctified themselves, because the Levites They were more straight in heart to sanctify themselves than the priests. " This verse talks about the role of the Levites to help priests in their tasks, and how more careful they were to sanctify themselves than the priests themselves.

Hebrews 7:26-27: "For such a high priest, holy, innocent, immaculate, separated from sinners, and made more sublime than the heavens, which does not need, like the juices, of offering sacrifices, first by day, does not. His own sins, and then for those of the people; for it did it once, offering himself. " This verse talks about Jesus Christ as our High Perfect Priest, who offered Himself as a sacrifice for our sins and reconciled us with God.
