Isaiah, 25

The New American Bible

10 For the hand of the LORD will rest on this mountain, but Moab will be trodden down as a straw is trodden down in the mire.

Versículos relacionados com Isaiah, 25:

Isaiah 25 is a chapter that talks about the salvation and glory that God will bring to His people. The prophet Isaiah begins the chapter praising God for his righteousness and faithfulness, and then talks about the destruction of Israel's enemies and the restoration of Jerusalem. He describes a heavenly feast God will prepare for all peoples, in which death will be destroyed and crying will be removed. Below are five verses related to the topics addressed in Isaiah 25:

Psalm 23:4: "Although I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will not fear any harm, because you are with me; your staff and your staff comfort me." This verse talks about the presence of God and his loving care even in the most difficult times, including death.

Isaiah 60:19: "There will be no more sun to illuminate you by day, no moon and stars to alumate you at night; the Lord will be your light forever, your God will be your glory." This verse talks about the presence of God as light and glory to his people, an image that also appears in Isaiah 25.

1 Corinthians 15:54: "And when this corruptible body covers the incorruptibility, and what is mortal to coat of immortality, then the word that is written will be fulfilled: 'Death was destroyed by victory!'" This verse speaks About the victory over the death that Christ brought through his resurrection, a theme that also appears in Isaiah 25.

Revelation 7:17: "For the lamb that is in the center of the throne shall noticed them and guide them into the sources of the water of life. And God will wipe away from His eyes every tear." This verse talks about the heavenly banquet and the destruction of crying, which are also mentioned in Isaiah 25.

2 Corinthians 5:1: "We know that if our earthly housing this tabernacle is undone, we have a building, an eternal house in the heavens, not made by human hands." This verse talks about the hope of eternal life that Christians have in God, a hope that is also emphasized in Isaiah 25.
