Jeremiah, 50

The New American Bible

18 Therefore, thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: I will punish the king of Babylon and his land, as once I punished the king of Assyria;

Versículos relacionados com Jeremiah, 50:

Jeremiah 50 talks about the fall of Babylon and the liberation of the people of Israel from captivity. Following are five verses from other Bible books that relate to the topics covered in this chapter:

Isaiah 48:20: "I left Babylon, ran away from the Chaldeans, with a voice of joy, proclaim this, disclose until the end of the earth; Say: The Lord redeemed to his servant Jacob!" This verse talks about the liberation of the people of Israel of Babylon and the joy it brings.

Isaiah 52:11: "Take remove, get out, I left, you do not touch it, I got out of it, purify you, you who take the utensils of the Lord." This verse also talks about the departure of the people of Israel from Babylon and the need to purify themselves to be in communion with God.

Jeremiah 51:6: "I ran away from the midst of Babylon, and each one saves his life; Do not be exterminated in his injustice; for this is the time of the revenge of the Lord; He shall give him the paid." Here the prophet Jeremiah urges the people of Israel to flee from Babylon and save themselves from imminent destruction.

Jeremiah 51:20-23: "You are a hammer and weapons of war; I will shatter nations, and I will destroy kingdoms; I will shatter the horse and his knight; he will break the car and his driver; I will torn you the old man and the boy; with you I will torn the boy and the girl. " These verses talk about the use of Babylon as an instrument of destruction in the hands of God.

Revelation 18:2: "And cried strongly with a large voice, saying, Fell, fell to the great Babylon, and became a home of demons, and shelter of every filthy spirit, and shelter of every filthy and annoying bird." This verse talks about the final fall of Babylon, which becomes a place of housing of demons and filthy spirits.
