Ecclesiasticus, 24

Revised Standard Version

11 A man who swears many oaths will be filled with iniquity, and the scourge will not leave his house; if he offends, his sin remains on him, and if he disregards it, he sins doubly; if he has sworn needlessly, he will not be justified, for his house will be filled with calamities.

Versículos relacionados com Ecclesiasticus, 24:

Ecclesiastical 24 presents wisdom talking about itself and its divine origin. It presents itself as having been created before all things and describes its presence in several important biblical figures. In addition, wisdom makes an invitation for everyone to seek her and follow their teachings. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in Ecclesiastical 24:

Proverbs 3:13-15: "Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who acquires understanding, because her profit is better than the profit of silver, and her gain more than the thinner gold. than jewelry, and everything you can wish you can't compare to it. " This verse highlights the importance of wisdom and its incomparable value.

Job 28:28: "And he said to man, Behold, the fear of the Lord is wisdom, and the departure from evil is understanding." This verse highlights the connection between wisdom and the fear of the Lord.

Proverbs 8:17: "I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me." This verse is similar to the invitation made by wisdom in Ecclesiastical 24, where she invites people to pick her up.

Colossians 2:3: "Who are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and science." This verse talks about how in Christ is hidden all wisdom and knowledge.

James 1:5: "If any of you are lacking wisdom, ask it to God, who gives all liberally, and does not censor him, and be given to him." This verse highlights the source of wisdom and the fact that God is willing to grant it to all who ask with faith.
