Isaiah, 60

Revised Standard Version

2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.

Versículos relacionados com Isaiah, 60:

Isaiah 60 is a chapter that deals with the restoration and glory of Jerusalem. In it, the prophet Isaiah describes a transformed Jerusalem, full of light and beauty, which attracts the attention and respect of the nations. Here are five verses related to the themes of this chapter:

Psalm 72:10-11: "The kings of Tarsis and the coastal regions will bring taxes; the kings of Sabbath and Seba will offer gifts. All kings will bow before him, all nations will serve him." This verse shows how Isaiah 60 describes the attention and respect of the nations by Jerusalem.

Revelation 21:24: "The nations shall walk in their light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory to them." This verse describes how Isaiah 60 describes the light of Jerusalem, which is so bright that the nations will follow.

Psalm 72:15: "Live him, and receive gold from sabbat; and continually pray for him, and bless him all day." This verse shows how Isaiah 60 describes Jerusalem as a rich and prosperous city.

Revelation 21:26: "The gates will not close by day, for there will be no night." This verse describes the Jerusalem of Isaiah 60 as a safe city, where the doors are always open.

Zechariah 2:10: "Sing and rejoices, O daughter of Zion, for I am coming to dwell among you," says the Lord. "This verse shows how Isaiah 60 describes Jerusalem as the place where God will dwell and where yours People will rejoice.
