Joel, 3

Revised Standard Version

17 "So you shall know that I am the LORD your God, who dwell in Zion, my holy mountain. And Jerusalem shall be holy and strangers shall never again pass through it.

Versículos relacionados com Joel, 3:

Joel's chapter 3 describes an eschatological view of God's judgment on the nations that oppose Israel and the restoration of God's people. The main theme is the day of the Lord, an event that will bring judgment on the wicked and liberation to the righteous. The chosen verses, in order of proximity to the themes of the chapter, are:

Isaiah 13:6: "howling, for the day of the Lord is close; it comes from the Almighty as a giving." This verse talks about the "day of the Lord," the day of God's judgment, which is also mentioned in Joel 3.

Sophons 1:15: "That day is a day of indignation, day of tribulation and anguish, day of excitement and desolation, day of darkness and darkness, day of clouds and dense darkness." This verse describes the "day of the Lord" as a day of judgment and destruction.

Zechariah 14:1: "Behold, the day of the Lord comes, in which your spoils will be divided through you." This verse refers to the "day of the Lord" as a day when the spoils of enemies will be taken by the winners, something that is mentioned in Joel 3:13.

Revelation 16:14: "For they are spirits of demons, who operate signs; which meet kings from all over the world to congregate them to the battle of the great day of almighty God." This verse talks about the "great day" of Almighty God, which is also mentioned in Joel 3:14.

Revelation 21:3: "And I heard a great voice from heaven, which said, Here is the tabernacle of God with men, for with them will dwell, and they will be His people, and the same God will be with them, and will be the Your God. " This verse talks about the restoration of God's people and their dwelling with Him, something that is mentioned in Joel 3:20-21.
