Psalms, 116

The New American Bible

11 I said in my alarm, "No one can be trusted!"

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 116:

Psalm 116 is a song of thanks for deliverance from a situation of distress. The psalmist declares his love for the Lord and recognizes that only he is able to rid him of death. The psalmist also declares his willingness to offer a sacrifice of thanks and serve the Lord.

Psalm 30:2-3: "Lord my God, I cry out for you for help, and you heal me. Lord, you took my soul out of the grave; about to go down to the grave, you have returned my life." This verse talks about the healing and deliverance of the psalmist, as well as in Psalm 116. The psalmist recognizes that God can heal and save.

Psalm 56:12-13: "I will make the vows I made to you, O God; I will present my offers of gratitude. For you have delivered me from death and my feet to stumble, that I may walk before God in the light of life . " As in Psalm 116, the psalmist here recognizes that he was delivered from death by the Lord and promises to make vows and offerings of gratitude.

Psalm 66:16-19: "Come and listen to you all who fear God; I will tell you what He did for me. I cry to him with his mouth; I praised him with his tongue. If I had kept sin in Heart, the Lord would not have heard me, but God heard me, paid attention to my prayer. " This verse highlights the importance of crying out and praising God, just as the psalmist did in his distress in Psalm 116.

Psalm 118:17: "I will not die; but I will be to announce what the Lord has done." This verse is a statement of victory and thanks for the Lord's deliverance. The psalmist recognizes that he has been saved from death and now has the purpose of announcing what the Lord has done.

Psalm 146:7-8: "He defends the cause of the oppressed and give food to the hungry. The Lord frees the prisoners; the Lord gives a view to the blind, the Lord raises the slaughtered; the Lord loves the righteous." This verse highlights God's actions in favor of the needy, and his willingness to free and heal those who cry for him, as well as in Psalm 116.
