Tobit, 14

The New American Bible

5 But God will again have mercy on them and bring them back to the land of Israel. They shall rebuild the temple, but it will not be like the first one, until the era when the appointed times shall be completed. Afterward all of them shall return from their exile, and they shall rebuild Jerusalem with splendor. In her the temple of God shall also be rebuilt; yes, it will be rebuilt for all generations to come, just as the prophets of Israel said of her.

Versículos relacionados com Tobit, 14:

Tobias 14 narrates the end of the story of Tobias, his son Tobias Jr. and Sara's family. The chapter presents elderly tobias, after living a long and prosperous life alongside his family. He advises his son to honor God and to remain faithful to the law, and then dies in peace. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in Tobias 14:

Ecclesiastes 7:1: "Better is the name of good odor than the precious ointment, and the day of death than the day of birth." This verse talks about the importance of life and how death can be seen as a moment of release from earthly life for a better life in heaven.

Ecclesiastes 12:13: "Of all that has been heard, the end is: fears God and keeps His commandments; for this is the duty of all man." This verse talks about the importance of honoring God and keeping his commandments, which is the advice that Tobias gives his son at the end of his life.

Psalm 90:10: "The days of our lives come to seventy years, and if some, for their robustness, come eighty years, their measure is tired and boring, as it passes quickly, and we fly." This verse talks about the brevity of human life and how we should use it wisely, as Tobias did.

Hebrews 9:27: "And just as men are ordered to die once, after that, judgment." This verse talks about the certainty of death and the following judgment. Like Tobias, we must strive to live our lives justly and pleasantly to God so that we can face judgment with confidence.

2 Timothy 4:7-8: "I fought the good fight, I ended up my career, I have kept the faith. From now on, the crown of justice is stored, which the Lord, just judge, will give me that day; and not just a me, but also to all who love their coming. " This verse talks about the end of life and how those who keep faith and love God will be rewarded in eternal life, like Tobias.
