Acts, 17

The New American Bible

33 And so Paul left them.

Versículos relacionados com Acts, 17:

Chapter 17 of the Acts Book of Apostles narrates Paul's missionary journey in Thessalonica and Bereia, where he preached the Gospel to the Jews and Gentiles. Paul presented Jesus as the promised Messiah in Scripture and many believed, but also faced opposition and persecution. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in Acts 17:

Matthew 5:10: "Blessed are the persecuted because of righteousness, because theirs is the kingdom of heaven." This verse shows that persecution is an expected part of the Christian life, especially when the righteousness of God is preached. Paul faced opposition in Thessalonica and Bereia, but continued to preach the gospel faithfully.

Romans 1:16: "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes; first of the Jew, and also of the Greek." Paul was not ashamed to preach the Gospel in Thessalonica and Bereia, despite the opposition he faced. He knew that the Gospel is God's power for salvation and shared it with those who heard him.

Romans 3:23: "For all have sinned and deprived are of the glory of God." Paul presented Jesus as the promised Messiah, but also explained that all sinned and need salvation in Christ. This verse shows that Paul's message in Thessalonica and Bereia was rooted in the biblical truth that everyone sinned and needs a Savior.

Romans 10:14-15: "How will they invoke the one to whom they have not believed? And how will they believe in the one who have not heard? And how will they hear if there is no one who preaches? And how they will preach, if they are not sent? How is it written : How beautiful the feet of those who announce peace, those who announce good things! " This verse emphasizes the importance of gospel preaching. Paul was sent to Thessalonica and Bereia to preach the gospel so that those who hear could believe and be saved.

2 Timothy 3:16-17: "All Scripture is inspired by God and useful to teach, rebuke, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness, that the man of God will be able and fully prepared for every good work. " Paul based his message on Thessalonica and Bereia in the Scriptures. He used the Scriptures to teach, rebuke, correct, and instruct those who heard their message in righteousness. This verse emphasizes the importance of Scripture in our Christian life and the preaching of the Gospel.
