Job, 34

New Jerusalem Bible

11 For he pays people back for what they do, treating each as his own conduct deserves.

Versículos relacionados com Job, 34:

Job 34 presents the words of Eliú, who continues to reflect on the suffering of Job and the righteousness of God. He argues that God is just and that everyone is responsible for his actions before Him. Eliú emphasizes that God is not unfair, but that people often do not understand their actions. To provide five verses related to the topics covered in Job 34, Job's verses will be excluded from the results.

Romans 2:6-8: "He will return to each one according to his procedure: the eternal life to those who, persisting in doing good, seek glory, honor and immortality; but wrath and indignation to those who are selfish, who reject the truth and follow injustice. " This verse of Romans points out that God will return to each one according to his actions and choices, both in good and evil.

Psalm 33:5: "He loves justice and right; the earth is full of the Lord's goodness." This verse of psalms points out that God loves justice and righteousness, and that His goodness is evident throughout the earth.

Proverbs 24:12: "If you say, Behold, we do not know it; will you not consider Him who has pondered hearts? Will you know the one who attends to your soul? Won't he give man to his work?" This verse of Proverbs points out that God knows people's hearts and will return to each one according to their actions.

Isaiah 59:1-2: "Behold, the hand of the Lord is not shrunk, that it cannot save; nor his ear, that cannot hear; but your iniquities make separation between you and your God; Your sins cover your face from you, that you will not hear you. " This verse of Isaiah points out that God is not unable to act, but that people's sin can push them away from him.

Psalm 11:7: "For the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness; the straight ones will therefore contemplate His face." This verse of psalms emphasizes that God is just and loves righteousness, and that those who live with righteousness will have the opportunity to contemplate the face of God.
