Salmos, 99

Septuaginta + NT (transliterada)

1 yalmoV eiV exomologhsin alalaxate tw kuriw pasa h gh

2 douleusate tw kuriw en eufrosunh eiselqate enwpion autou en agalliasei

3 gnwte oti kurioV autoV estin o qeoV autoV epoihsen hmaV kai ouc hmeiV laoV autou kai probata thV nomhV autou

4 eiselqate eiV taV pulaV autou en exomologhsei eiV taV aulaV autou en umnoiV exomologeisqe autw aineite to onoma autou

5 oti crhstoV kurioV eiV ton aiwna to eleoV autou kai ewV geneaV kai geneaV h alhqeia autou
