Judith, 10

New Jerusalem Bible

18 News of her coming had already spread through the tents, and there was a general stir in the camp. She was still outside the tent of Holofernes waiting to be announced, when a crowd began forming round her.

Versículos relacionados com Judith, 10:

Judite 10 describes how Judite prepared to enter the Assyrian camp disguised as a captive. She fasted and prayed for three days before leaving the city and, upon arriving at camp, she attracted the attention of Holofernes, the Assyrian General, who was delighted with her beauty. She deceived him with false stories about the people of Israel and gained his confidence. Then she drunk him and cut his head, giving Israel the victory. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in Judite 10:

1 Samuel 16:7: "The Lord does not see as man: man sees appearance, but the Lord sees the heart." This verse points out that outer beauty is not the most important, but the heart of the person. Judite used her beauty to attract Holofernes's attention, but it was her intelligence and wisdom that led her to victory.

Proverbs 31:30: "Beauty is misleading, and beauty is fleeting; but the woman who fears to the Lord will be praised." This verse reinforces the idea that beauty is not the most important and that fear of the Lord is what should be valued. Judite demonstrated a great fear of God in his preparation for battle and his confidence in God for victory.

Psalm 27:14: "Wait in the Lord. Be strong! Courage! Wait in the Lord." This verse encourages perseverance and trust in God. Judite showed great perseverance and trust in God in his preparation for battle.

Proverbs 14:15: "Simple believes in everything, but the prudent analyzes its steps well." This verse highlights the importance of prudence and careful analysis before acting. Judite used his intelligence and wisdom to carefully analyze his steps before acting.

Proverbs 31:25: "It is lined with strength and dignity; smiles at the future." This verse describes a strong, decent woman who faces the future with confidence. Judite demonstrated great strength and dignity in his preparation for battle and his confidence in God for victory.
