Ecclesiastes, 11

Christian Community Bible

10 Drive sorrow from your heart and pain from your flesh, for youth and dark hair will not last.

Versículos relacionados com Ecclesiastes, 11:

Ecclesiastes 11 talks about the importance of sowing and perseverance in the uncertainty of the result, since the human being has no control over everything that happens in life. The following verses are related to this theme:

Genesis 8:22: "As long as the earth, sowing and harvesting, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will not cease." This verse talks about the constancy of the seasons and the importance of sowing for harvest.

Proverbs 11:18: "The evil receives a false reward, but whoever sows justice has true reward." This verse highlights the importance of sowing good deeds and attitudes to receive the proper reward.

Luke 8:15: "But the seed that fell into good earth are those who hear the word with honest and good heart, retreate it and persevere to a fruit." This verse talks about the importance of perseverance in faith and religious practices to achieve salvation.

Galatians 6:7: "Do not be mistaken," God is not moiled. What man sows, that will reap. " This verse highlights the importance of taking care of the actions that are practiced in life, because the result will come according to what was sown.

2 Corinthians 9:6: "Whoever sows little will reap; and those who sow a lot, will reap." This verse highlights the importance of investing with generosity, joy and devotion to obtain a greater reward.
