Psalms, 72

Christian Community Bible

1 O God, endow the king with your justice, the royal son with your righteousness.

2 May he rule your people justly and defend the rights of the lowly.

3 Let the mountains bring peace to the people, and the hills justice.

4 He will defend the cause of the poor, deliver the children of the needy, and crush the oppressor.

5 He will endure as the sun and as the moon through all generations.

6 He will be like rain falling on the fields, or showers watering the earth.

7 Justice will flower in his days, and peace abound till the moon be no more.

8 For he reigns from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth;

9 his foes are crushed before him, and his enemies lick the dust.

10 The kings of Tarshish and the islands render him tribute, the kings of Sheba and Seba bring gifts,

11 all kings bow down to him, and all nations serve him.

12 He delivers the needy who call on him, the afflicted with no one to help them.

13 His mercy is upon the weak and the poor, he saves the life of the poor.

14 He rescues them from oppression and strife, for their life is precious to him.

15 May he live long, may gold from Sheba be given him. May people always pray for him, and blessings be invoked for him all day.

16 May grain abound throughout the land, waving and rustling as in Lebanon; may cities teem with people, as fields with grass.

17 May his name endure forever; may his name be as lasting as the sun. All the races will boast about him, and he will be blessed by all nations.

18 Praised be the Lord, God of Israel, who alone works so marvelously.

19 Praised be his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen. Amen.

20 This concludes the prayers of David, son of Jesse.

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 72:

Psalm 72 is a poem that talks about a just and merciful king who rules wisely and prosperity. The verses selected below address topics related to government, justice and divine protection.

Psalm 2:10-11: "Now, O Kings, prudent thirst; let you instruct, judges of the earth. Serves the Lord with fear and rejoice with tremor." This verse talks about the importance of the rulers to act wisely and justice, fearing God and seeking their guidance.

Psalm 72:1-2: "O God, give the King your judgments and your righteousness to the Son of the King. He will judge your people with righteousness, and your poor with equity." This verse relates directly to the central theme of Psalm 72, which is the figure of the just and merciful king, who rules wisely and justice.

Psalm 72:12-13: "For he shall rid the needy who cries out, as the poor, and what has no one who helps him. He will have mercy on the poor and the needy, and save the souls of the needy." This verse talks about divine protection that is offered to the needy and oppressed, which are the most vulnerable in society.

Psalm 82:3-4: "Do justice to the poor and the orphan; proceed with the afflicted and the helpless. Deliver the poor and needy; take them out of the hands of the wicked." This verse relates to the theme of justice and protection to the weak, which is central to Psalm 72.

Psalm 89:14: "Justice and judgment are the basis of your throne, mercy and truth go to your face." This verse talks about the importance of justice and truth as fundamentals for a just and merciful government, which is the ideal described in Psalm 72.
