Psalms, 53

New Jerusalem Bible

1 [For the choirmaster In sickness Poem Of David] The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God!' They are corrupt, vile and unjust, not one of them does right.

2 God looks down from heaven at the children of Adam, to see if a single one is wise, a single one seeks God.

3 All have proved faithless, all alike turned sour, not one of them does right, not a single one.

4 Are they not aware, these evil-doers? They are devouring my people; this is the bread they eat, and they never call upon God.

5 They will be gripped with fear, just where there is no need for fear, for God scatters the bones of him who besieges you; they are mocked because God rejects them.

6 Who will bring from Zion salvation for Israel? When God brings his people home, what joy for Jacob, what happiness for Israel!

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 53:

Psalm 53 talks about the foolishness and corruption of the wicked, who reject God and live according to their own selfish desires. The psalmist calls for justice and salvation, trusting that God, like the liberator of Israel, will defeat his enemies. Below are five verses related to the topics addressed in this Psalm:

Psalm 14:1 - "Says the fool in his heart, 'God does not exist.' They corrupted Himself and have committed hateful acts; there is no one who does good." This verse is similar to the first verse of Psalm 53, which begins with "the fool says in his heart, 'God does not exist." Both psalms emphasize the foolishness of the wicked and their moral corruption.

Isaiah 53:3 - "He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sadness and familiar with suffering. As someone from whom men hide their face, was despised, and we do not consider it." This verse, from the book of Isaiah, talks about the rejection of Jesus Christ by men and his identification with suffering. Like the Psalm of Psalm 53, Jesus was despised and rejected by men, but ultimately was justified by God.

Psalm 82:5 - "They know nothing, they understand nothing; they vague by darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken." This verse highlights the ignorance of the wicked and their lack of understanding about the truth of God. This ignorance is the cause of moral corruption and injustice described in Psalm 53.

Proverbs 28:5 - "Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord fully understand it." This verse also highlights the lack of understanding of the wicked about God's righteousness. Those who seek God, however, have a deeper understanding of divine justice.

Isaiah 35:4 - "Tell the heartlessness of the heart, 'Strong thirst, do not fear; here's your God! He comes to avenge and to reward; He comes to save us.'" This verse talks about the salvation that God brings to his faithful and his revenge against his enemies. The Psalm of Psalm 53 calls for similar salvation and justice, trusting that God will defeat His enemies and restore justice.
